Kaj so piškotki si lahko preberete tukaj.
Pod imenom "Ditka int." / "Ditka International" se skriva moja avtorska zgodba v angleškem jeziku.
V letošnjem letu ji posvečam posebno pozornost, saj pripravljam konceptualni studijski album z izbranimi skladbami, ki so nastale skozi leta.
Nekaj pesmi s prihajajočega albuma bo na digitalnih glasbenih platformah izšlo v prihodnjih mesecih v akustični verziji.
Namenoma, da se poslušalcem najprej približa zgodba same pesmi, saj so sporočilna besedila zame ključna.
Kot prvo z vami delim pesem "Man In The Cave" ali v dobesednem prevodu "Moški v jami".
Gre za prispodobo, ki opisuje problem trenutne družbe, v kateri so talenti in potenciali ljudi prepogosto spregledani zaradi najrazličnejših socialnih faktorjev.
Najlepše vas vabim, da spremljate tudi ta del moje zgodbe, tako, da se prijavite na moj YouTube kanal, mi sledite na mojih socialnih omrežjih in najpomembnejše, poslušate mojo glasbo.
Vaša podpora mi pomeni zelo veliko.
Under the name "Ditka int." / "Ditka International" hides my author's story in English. This year, I am paying special attention to it, as I am preparing a conceptual studio album with selected compositions that were created throughout the years.
A few songs from the upcoming album will be released on digital music platforms in the coming months in an acoustic version. Intentionally, so that listeners first get closer to the story of the song itself, because message lyrics are very important to me.
First of all I share with you the song "Man In The Cave".It is a metaphor that describes the problem of the current society, in which the talents and potentials of people are too often overlooked due to various social factors.
I invite you to follow this part of my story as well by subscribing to my YouTube channel, following me on my social media and most importantly, listening to my music.
Your support means a lot to me.